Skin Whitening Treatment, Procedure, Myth & facts and cost in India

What Is Skin Whitening & Lightening?

Skin whitening treatment or lightening treatment is a cosmetic procedure that works by lightening the dark tone of skin. The dark color of the skin is due to excessive melanin pigment in our skin. Lesser the amount of melanin pigment in our body, fairer will be the skin tone. Nowadays, most of the people are going crazy for these skin lightening treatments and this has raised the global market of the skin care industry. Usually, there are 2 techniques used for the whitening of skin which includes;

  1. Use of Skin Whitening Products
  2. Laser Treatment

The dark and pigmented color of skin can be due to various factors such as excessive exposure to sun, environmental conditions, medical conditions, stress or poor lifestyle habits. The latest skin whitening methods work miraculously on the skin and you will get fair, glowing and flawless skin effortlessly. If you are wondering about how skin whitening procedures work? Then let's have a brief summary of the working of skin lightening treatments.

Skin whitening agents work by reducing the amount of melanin pigment in our body and this process can occur via different methods including;

  1. By inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase which increases the melanin synthesis.

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  1. By preventing the transfer of melanosomes to keratinocytes. Melanocytes secrete melanosomes which causes the dark color of the skin.

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Treatment Available For Skin Whitening In India

Skin lightening treatment works by reducing the excessive melanin content in the body. There are number of options of skin whitening treatments worldwide. From basic skin bleach treatment for skin lightening to advanced laser treatment, you can choose from these different options of skin whitening. Here are few best skin whitening treatments in India to choose from;

  • Chemical Peels for Skin Whitening: Chemical peel involves the application of solutions such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA), Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) or phenols to improve the texture and color of the skin. There is gentle exfoliation of the upper layer of skin You will get clear, glowing, fairer and pigmentation free skin. 
  • Laser Treatment for Skin Whitening: In this procedure, a concentrated beam of light targets the dark spots and melanin pigment in the skin resulting in lightening of the skin. Laser treatment effectively reduces the skin conditions like skin pigmentation, dark spots, dull skin and tanned skin.
  • Glutathione Drip: Glutathione drip of IV drip decreases the production of tyrosinase enzyme which increases the production of melanin in the body. It possesses powerful antioxidant properties that helps to repair the tissues of body and delay the process of ageing and helps in maintaining the youthful skin.
  • Skin Whitening Products: These methods are not permanent skin whitening treatments as the results from these temporary methods of skin whitening are for short time period. There are number of cosmetic products containing ingredients such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, arbutin, retinol, glutathione, lactic acid etc that are famous for skin lightening properties.
  • Facials: There are number of advanced facials for skin whitening available these days. These facials work by diminishing the signs of aging, rejuvenating the skin and makes skin younger, fairer and glowing. The advanced facials are the combination of cosmetic procedures like microdermabrasion, photo facials, hydra facials etc.

Myths & Facts About Skin Lightening Treatment

Cosmetology industry is huge and there is always a buzz in this industry. This gigantic industry mostly targets women of all over the world but nowadays, men are also hoping on this trend. Apparently, there are various myths and facts which one should know before undergoing the procedure.

Myths of Skin Whitening Treatment

  • Skin Whitening is similar to Skin Bleaching. Big NO. Skin bleaching works by bleaching the black hair to golden and you can perform it at home whereas, the skin whitening treatments are advanced and are performed by professionals.
  • Only dark spots can be treated. Yes. With the advancements in technology, it is now possible to treat only dark spots without affecting the surrounding areas. The technologies like Q switched Nd: YAG laser, only targets the stubborn dark spots without affecting the other areas of the skin.
  • Skin whitening treatment has more side effects. No. This is not true. Nowadays, the ultra-modern techniques are quite safe and effective. Proper care has been taken care of and proper pre & post treatment care instructions are described to patients to avoid the risk of side effects.
  • Skin whitening treatments are for everyone. Yes. Anyone can undergo skin whitening treatments. These treatments are not limited to only lightening the skin tone. In fact, they make you look younger by reducing the signs of aging. They work as a miracle for the skin.

Facts of Skin Whitening

  • Women account for almost 80% of sales worldwide.
  • Skin whitening creams are the leading products in this industry and are estimated to reach $6.6 billion by India, found 54% of respondents had used skin whitening products at some point and 38% were using them at the time.
  • The Asia specific market accounted for over half of global revenue in 2018 and is expected to grow the most and China is the fastest growing market among them globally.

Skin Whitening Treatment Cost In India

Skin whitening treatment cost varies with the type of procedure. There are number of factors which affect the skin whitening treatment price such as treatment, cosmetologist, location of the clinic, location of the clinic etc. The permanent skin whitening treatment cost in India depending on the type of procedure are under as;

  1. The average skin lightening treatment cost of laser peels ranges from Rs. 1800 to Rs. 5500.
  2. Cost of laser treatment for skin whitening ranges from Rs. 4000 to Rs. 30,000.
  3. Skin whitening injections cost around Rs. 6000 to Rs.40,000.
  4. Cost of skin fairness creams varies from Rs. 200 to Rs. 3000 or more.

Is Laser Skin Whitening Treatment Permanent?

No. Skin whitening treatments are not permanent. There are procedures that gives you long lasting results but you have to undergo these procedures periodically. Skin whitening products like creams, serums, bleach etc. gives you instant fairness and glow while, chemical peels or injections can give you fairness results for few months. Among them, laser treatment for skin lightening gives the long-lasting results. Cosmetologist may ask you to follow basic routine including;

  • To follow a healthy lifestyle and good skin care regime
  • To hop on good quality sunscreen
  • To increase your water intake
  • To undergo regular follow ups.

Is It Safe To Use Skin Lightening Products During Pregnancy?

Some Skin lightening products may be safe but it is important to consult your doctor before using them as most cosmetic products contain chemical ingredients which may possess harmful or toxic effects. So, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using any of cosmetic products or you can look for the ingredients that are not harmful for pregnant women.

How to Get Fair and Glowing Skin At Home?

There are various options of skin whitening treatment at home. You can follow different easy home remedies for fair and glowing skin or you can use few tips to get clear, soft and glowing skin. These methods are effective and natural. Though we are not promoting that fair complexion is superior than the dark complexion. We are just sharing the treatments that will help you get a healthy and glowing skin. 

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