Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter considered as the “Policy”) is for the purpose of acquainting you. While using or accessing the different web portals, you recognize that you accept the given practices and policies outlined in this policy and you therefore consent that we will accumulate, employ, and share your information as mentioned in this given policy.

Health plus always value the faith that our visitors place on us and it is our prime duty to make you aware of the safeguards which we have to respect our reader’s privacy. Our mentioned policies will describe you about the information that we collect about our readers and how we can use it in future. You are free to reach us when you have any queries.

Which type of personal information we can gather?

Team of Health plus can collect the personal information from you so that we can provide you with high end services and communicate offers on different trades and services. We always look forward to have your precious feedback so that we can perk up your reading experience with us.

Queries: When you make a query with us, you provide us with your name, address, phone number and/or e-mail address.

E-mail updates: After subscribing to our newsletter, you will receive different e-mail updates featuring exclusive offers, product news, product reviews, and other important announcements and more. For this, we will require your e-mail address. However, you can unsubscribe from this service at any time.

How we can use your personal information?

Health plus request you for your various kind of private information to offer with services you request. We may also use your personal information to provide you with personalized communications and will keep you updated about the latest services, products or treatment options that may interest you.

Distinctive User Record

Every so often, we can make use of IP addresses to produce demographic data or as to avoid any fraud measure; otherwise they will be safe with us and are not shared, analyzed or spread anywhere.

Our Business Partners

We may also connect with the third-party companies as a necessary means to fulfil your queries. These third parties may be engaged in different roles including marketing, credit processing, and e-mail transfer among other tasks. Third parties are only granted access to your personal information to execute your query related purposes and will not be sanctioned to use this information for soliciting unrelated services.

Safe & Secure

Your every information is secure with us. Our each and every server is at secure location and our database is monitored closely to safeguard and to prevent any misuse from hackers and outside operators. We also uphold a firewall and an interruption detection system as a prime security measure. We limit access to all of our visitor’s information.

We also reserve the rights to change or update our privacy policies at anytime, thus we recommend you to be in contact with us and check at regular intervals as it pertains to your concern. If Health plus opt for to use or reveal information in a manner that amounts to a change of this policy, we will update the latest changes on our website.