Frizz! We all are familiar with this name nowadays and I am sure you also wonder why does my hair look like mess? Why does my hair become frizzy or how can I get rid of frizzy hair? If yes, then need not to worry. Here, I am going to spill the tea on all your queries regarding frizzy hair. Following, you will read the tips to get rid of frizzy hair easily and you will be able to flaunt and style your tresses just the way you want.

5 Steps to Get Smooth and Shiny Locks

Whether it is a humid day or scorching sunny day, we all have experienced frizz in our hair and we all know the struggle while taming our frizzy hair. One also must know the exact cause of frizzy hair before opting any frizzy hair treatment to remove frizz from hair. Messy or frizzy hair can be due to various reasons such as environmental factors, genetic factors, lifestyle etc. By using these remedies to get rid of frizzy hair, you will be able to have smooth, shiny and frizz free hair. 1.

Cold Water Rinse

: Say no to hot water shower and wash your hair with cold water to seal your hair cuticles. Washing your hair with hot water makes your hair dry which causes frizzy hair and hair breakage. 2.

Condition your Hair

: Always invest in good hair conditioner or hair mask. Deep condition your hair once in a week to restore the moisture balance in your hair, healthy and shiny hair. Proper conditioning of hair helps in easy detangling of the hair and also aligns the hair fiber properly. 3.

Hair Styling Appliances

: Limit the use of hair styling products like straighteners, curlers, blow dryer etc. The excessive use of heat styling tools results in the hair damage and frizzy hair. Use these tools at low temperature and also use heat protectors. 4.

Use of Natural Oils

:Gently massage your hair regularly with natural oils like Argan Oil, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil etc. This oil help in providing moisture, nourishment and also helps to tame frizzy hair quickly. 5.

Silk Pillow

: Use silk pillow while sleeping as it helps to combat frizz and prevents split ends. Cotton towels can pull out the hair fibers and causes friction resulting in hair breakage, frizzy hair and tangled hair. On the other hand, silk is a soft fabric which causes less friction and maintains the hair’s natural oil, thus preventing frizz and less hair breakage. By using above frizzy hair treatment at home, you will be able to style your hair as the way you want. You can also try following tips to prevent frizzy hair at home while taking care of just few steps. 1. Avoid washing your hair every day. 2. Trim your hair regularly as split ends increases the occurrence of frizzy hair. 3. Do not use hair dryer and let your hair dry naturally. 4. Use hair serums and leave on conditioners after hair wash. 5. Use wide de tangling comb to de tangle your hair. 6. Use your hair styling tools at low temperature. 7. If you want to use hair dryer, use diffuser as it limits the amount of heat passed on to your hair. 8. You can use your mascara wand sprayed with hair spray to tame the short frizzy hair. If you want to tackle your frizzy hair, you must understand your hair type, environment, and the specific factors contributing to your frizz firstly. By executing the right hair care and styling techniques, you can have smooth, more manageable