Understanding Anger: A Medical Perspective

Anger is a feeling which indicates a strong emotion of frustration, annoyance or aggression. It can be just mild irritation and can go to extreme furies or rage. When anger turns into chronic stage and becomes unmanageable, it reflects on our health and one can face complications like heigh blood pressure, increased risk of cardiac attacks and weak immune system. Anger always results in unpleasant communications and we have to face negative consequences.

What is Anger?

Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when your comfort zone, boundaries, actions or your values have been disapproved, carped or you have been challenged. Anger can make you feel differently. You might sense frustrated, aggravated or you can become short tempered. You will feel stressed and your heart beat will be fastened as the adrenaline levels in your body will rise.

What are the common symptoms of Anger?

The symptoms of anger can be divided into 2 types i.e., Physiological and Emotional symptoms. These symptoms can affect body in many different ways.

Physiological SymptomsEmotional Symptoms
Clenched Jaws or FistsImpaired Communication
Increased Blood Pressure LevelsIrritability
Stiffness in MusclesAnxiety
Excessive SweatingRage
Increased Heart RateStress
DizzinessFeeling Guilty
Tingling SensationDesire to self-harm or someone else
Fast BreathingFrustration
Redness on FaceImpatient
Stomach AcheLoss of ability to concentrate

Health Risks

It is important to manage or treat anger because unmanaged or chronic anger can have significant health implications. In this section, we will observe the possible health risks allied with the vague anger.

  1. Increased risk of cardiovascular issues, including hypertension and heart diseases such as heart attack.
  2. Weakened or Impaired immune system as a result of which body can get various health disorders.
  3. Raised stress hormone levels, which can cause various health problems.
  4. Disturbed mental health resulting in high risk of anxiety and depression.
  5. Bad effect on personal relationships and less social engagements due to outbursts or aggression.
  6. Problem in sleep or disturbed sleep cycle.

Anger Management: A Path to Emotional Harmony

Anger management is a organized tactic to diagnose, understand, and successfully treating anger. It covers a wide range of strategies and techniques which are designed to help the individuals to cope with this prevailing emotion in a healthy, productive way. The prime goal of anger management is not to overpower anger but to deal it in constructively manner which allow the individuals to express themselves without harming themselves or others. The anger management techniques may include relaxation exercises, assertiveness training, problem-solving strategies, and intellectual reformation.

How to Control Anger?

By understanding the art of anger management, individuals can learn to balance emotions, improve relationships, and reduce the physical and psychological toll of uncontrolled anger.

  1. Recognize Early Signs: Be aware of physical and emotional signs that indicate the rise in anger.
  2. Deep Breathing: Do breathing exercises. Take slow, deep breaths to calm the body's physical response to anger.
  3. Count to Ten: Think before reacting, start counting to ten and take your time for a calmer response.
  4. Assertive Communication: Be more expressive and share your feelings and needs clearly.
  5. Problem-Solving: Try to focus on finding solutions to your anger rather than dwelling on the problem.
  6. Cognitive Restructuring: Challenge your negative thoughts and reframe them to avoid anger.
  7. Take Time-Outs: Take your step backs or move away from the situation to get calm and gain perspective before addressing the issue.
  8. Exercise and Relaxation: Engage yourself in meditation which will help you to relax in stressful situations.
  9. Seek Professional Help: You can visit a therapist or counsellor for assistance and support in managing your anger, especially in case of chronic anger which significantly impacts your life.