Whiteheads Causes - Ways To Get Rid Of Whiteheads Naturally

If you see cluster of small white bumps on your face, then these are nothing but Whiteheads. Whiteheads, well we all have experienced whiteheads in our life and these can be frustrating when they bump into your skin right before any event or function. They even remain unmoved on your skin and you need the right product to evict them from your skin. Before getting into the method to remove whitehead from your skin, let’s get to the pore of the problem of whiteheads.

What are Whiteheads?

Whiteheads are very common skin condition that can affect your face, neck, back and chest. Whiteheads are the type of acne which occurs due to the accumulation of dead skin cells, oil and bacteria in the pores of your skin. Whiteheads are different from the blackheads. These are closed pores and are referred as closed comedones. Whiteheads are pale in colour and to some extent elevated.

Main Causes of Whiteheads

There are few factors that contribute in the formation of whiteheads on face or on your body. Whiteheads occur when sebaceous gland start over producing the oil and sebum production and then later mixed with the dead skin cells and bacteria to clogged the pore resulting in the formation of whiteheads after inflammation. The inflammation of these glands can occur due to increased sebum production, abnormal formation of keratin and excessive production of bacteria. The other causes of whitehead’s formation are;

  • Puberty
  • Hereditary Factors
  • Stress
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Lifestyle
  • Environmental Factors

The whiteheads or the small bumps of the infected pore indicates the skin’s defence mechanism of pushing out the bacteria out of your skin.

Whiteheads on Nose

Nose whiteheads are simple whiteheads. Because of T-zone, these whiteheads on nose gets highlighted. They don’t leave scars behind but can ruin your look definitely. Trying out few different products or scrubs will help to remove whiteheads on nose at home. Apart from that, there are several OTC medicines and topical ointments available in the market. You can also try chemical peel for whiteheads removal which are effective in removing dead skin cells.

Do & Don’ts with Whiteheads

  • Do’s with Whiteheads: 

    1. Use mild non-abrasive cleansers.
    2. Choose cleansers with AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid)/ BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) or combination of them.
    3. Use mineral makeup (powder).
    4. Wait for 20-30 minutes after washing your face before applying cream on it.
  • Don’t with Whiteheads: 

    1. Do not wash your face too much.
    2. Do not use exfoliating scrubs too much.
    3. Do not Pick, Pop or Squeeze them.
    4. Do not use heavy makeup or concealer to cover them.

7 Ways to Get Rid Of Whiteheads Naturally

If you are thinking about how to remove whiteheads permanently, then following are the few tips to prevent whiteheads which will help to give clear and flawless skin. Following whiteheads removal remedies at home are easy and effective in combating different skin problems of acne prone skin.

Steam: Facial steam is very effective and easy whitehead removal remedy at home to try out. Steam helps in the opening of clogged pores and can be easily removed with soft tissue. Whiteheads on chin can also be removed with the facial steam. If you have whiteheads on neck or back, then you can take steam by covering your head with towel.
Tea Tree Oil: Many over the counter cleansers, toners or scrubbers contain tea tree oil which is effective in preventing whiteheads. Tea tree oil possess anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. You can also apply tea tree extract direvtly to the face to remove whiteheads naturally.
Witch Hazel: Witch hazel is derived from the flower of the same name. It possesses astringent and pore opening properties. It is best use in the astringent form. It causes pore to shrink and the whitehead comes out of the pore leaving an open pore and clear skin behind.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar act as natural toner and astringent which effectively gunk out the dead cells from pores by shrinking them. Always use the apple cider vinegar to remove whiteheads after diluting it. Apply diluted apple cider vinegar on the whiteheads and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it. 
Aloe Vera & Lemon: Aloe Vera with its cleansing properties always do wonder on the skin. Aloe vera when mixed with lemon juice reduces the whitehead breakouts easily. Just mix few drops of aloe vera and lemon juice together and apply on the affected area for 10 minutes. Wash it with cold water.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal’s powder act as a very beneficial natural scrub for the skin. Make a paste of grounded oatmeal, honey and lemon and then gently rub it on the affected area. You can rub it on your entire face also. Rinse with normal water after 5-10 minutes of gentle scrubbing. You will see a clear, soft and radiant skin.
Turmeric & Honey: We all know that turmeric has strong antiseptic properties and it also possess anti-bacterial properties too. Apply turmeric paste mixed with few drops of honey on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse it gently with water. Turmeric has been used since ancient times because of its magical wonders on skin. 

Apart from these natural methods of removing whiteheads, you can also try the various over the counter products or chemical treatments to reduce whiteheads. Consult with your doctor once before applying any medicine or taking any corticosteroid injections for your skin. Whether you have whiteheads on chin, neck, shoulders, nose or back, these methods are the best to prevent the frequent occurrence of the whiteheads on your skin.