Blackheads Causes & Ways To Get Rid Of Blackheads Naturally

For some people, blackheads are not to be worried thing but severe blackheads become the reason of depression. Well, there is nothing to worry or depresses about. Blackheads are very common skin condition and many of us experiences these in our life. These small skin conditions can even make a huge impact on people’s life especially in teenagers. Blackheads can also affect the quality of life of people and we often look for the ways that how to get rid of blackheads. Before diving into the methods of getting rid of blackheads, lets know a little about the blackheads.

What are Blackheads?

Blackheads are nothing but the type of acne (Acne Vulgaris). Blackheads on nose are tiny open pores or bumps on the skin which are filled with the dead skin cells and sebum. When the skin starts producing excessive oil/sebum, then these along with the dead skin cells result in the Blackhead formation. They mostly occur on nose but can also occur on other body parts like chest, back and shoulders.

Main Causes of Blackheads

When the pores get plugged and the dead skin cells in the pore gets react with the oxygen, it becomes oxidized which turns black, resulting in the formation of blackheads. There are few factors which increases the production of blackheads. Age and hormones play a great role in blackheads formation. The change in hormonal levels trigger the sebum production which eventually form blackheads. Menstruation, Pregnancy and use of contraceptive pills are also the causes of blackhead formation. The other factors of blackhead’s formation are;

  • Blocking or covering of pores with makeup
  • Excess sweating
  • Certain medications such as corticosteroids and androgens etc.

There are few differences between whiteheads and blackheads which are discussed as follow;

Whiteheads Blackheads
Occur when pores become clogged with a build-up of bacteria and sebaceous material Also form when pores become clogged.
Small, but firm, and white or yellow in colour. Darker from the oxidation of clogged build-up.
Tend to turn into pimples if untreated. Form of noninflammatory acne but can also turn into pimples if not removed.
Close the opening of a pore. Live within an open pore, exposing material inside to oxygen.
Can be confused with sebaceous filaments.

Blackheads on Nose

Nose blackheads are common and the tip of the nose is the home of blackheads. The T-zone of the face i.e., nose, chin and forehead is most likely to get blackheads. This is because the skin of this area has more oil glands. Now, if you are thinking how to remove blackheads from nose, then there are few methods of blackhead removal which are easy and effective. There are few OTC products, nose strip for blackheads and home remedies to prevent blackheads. One must follow a good skin care regime if wondering about how to remove blackheads permanently.

Do & Don’ts with Blackheads

  • Do’s with Whiteheads: 

    1. Use mild non-abrasive cleansers.
    2. Choose cleansers with AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid)/ BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) or combination of them.
    3. Use mineral makeup (powder).
    4. Wait for 20-30 minutes after washing your face before applying cream on it.
  • Don’t with Whiteheads: 

    1. Do not wash your face too much.
    2. Do not use exfoliating scrubs too much.
    3. Do not Pick, Pop or Squeeze them.
    4. Do not use heavy makeup or concealer to cover them.

7 Ways to Get Rid Of Blackheads Naturally

If you are not a fan of chemical products or treatments then you must be thinking of blackheads removal remedy at home. Following are the few methods to remove blackheads naturally at home which are effective and easy to use. You can try these proven home remedies to remove blackheads at home.

Exfoliation with scrub: Exfoliation is the best way to remove dead cells from the skin. With the gentle exfoliation, you can remove blackheads from the nose and even from other parts of the body. Mix brown sugar, honey and lemon juice properly and massage gently in the circular motion. Wash it with tap water.
Tea Tree Oil: Many over the counter cleansers, toners or scrubbers contain tea tree oil which is effective in preventing whiteheads. Tea tree oil possess anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. You can also apply tea tree extract direvtly to the face to remove whiteheads naturally.
Kasturi Turmeric: Kasturi Turmeric or Wild Turmeric is famous for its antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use regular turmeric also but if you want to avoid staining on face, then Kasturi turmeric is best for you. Mix Kasturi Turmeric with water or coconut to form a uniform paste and apply it. Wash it after 10-15 minutes.
Coconut Oil & Sugar Scrub: As mentioned earlier, that exfoliating skin is the best way to remove dirt, dead skin cells, excess oil and other impurities from the skin. You can remove blackheads with coconut oil and sugar scrub by gently rubbing this scrub on to your face for few minutes and then rinse it with water. You will observe clear, soft and glowing skin.
Homemade Pore Strip: You can make a pore strip for blackheads at home easily with milk and honey. Milk contains lactic acid which remove dead skin cells and extra oil. Mix whole milk and honey properly and microwave it. Let it cool down and apply on the affected area. Place a cotton strip on the applied area and wait for 15 mins. Gently peel it off and rinse with water.
Egg White: This easy home remedy to remove blackhead is very simple. Just whisk one egg white properly and apply it on the nose or the affected area. Gently place a tissue on it and apply another layer of egg white on it. Let it dry for 20 mins and gently peel it off.
Cinnamon, Turmeric and Lemon Juice: Mix cinnamon powder, turmeric and lemon juice in a bowl properly to make a smooth paste and apply it. Rinse it after 10-15 minutes with normal water. Cinnamon helps to improve the blood circulation, tighten the pores and act as natural blackhead remover.

These natural methods of removing blackheads works best but you can also try the different over the counter products or chemical treatments to reduce blackheads. Consult with your doctor once before applying any medicine or taking any corticosteroid injections on your skin. Whether you have blackheads on chin, neck, shoulders, nose or back, these methods are the best to prevent the frequent occurrence of the blackheads on your skin.